Monday, April 24, 2017

Oil is your Friend

Green, yellow, orange pigments from vegetables are good for repair, antioxidant, and much more and these vitamins and minerals can not get absorbed by our gut without some type of oil. This is scientific. 
Calcium binds with oxalic acid from spinach. Either I drink a capsule of Calcium-Magnesium or put the powder in my shake. I put a tsp-tbsp of coconut oil, or butter. Coconut milk has MCT(medium Chain Triglyceride) also that isreadily  absorbable. You can use olive oil also. Apple cider vinegar keeps your blood glucose level low in addition to so many gut benefits. When we turn into mostly vegetables, add in salt (keto-electrolyte essential) we become mostly alkaline and vinegar is acidic to counter act to maintain homeostasis (balance) in our body. Cinnamon lowers blood sugar also and is natural blood thinner to balance off vitamin K in our green leaves.
Add few drops of stevia if you want. I did not and still yumm. Turmeric is good anti-inflammatory also but you need to get used with the taste. 
I put my spinach in a pan with a bit of water to cook it, binding the oxalic acid in them that causes kidney stones when ingested in large amounts. 
I got a juicer yesterday and have not opened it so I tried using the bullet then strain fiber out. I used only half a cup of carot, cucumber, celery to keep my nlood glucose(carbohydrate) low. 
I am trying to reduce fiber intake for better digestion, so far so good. I eat some black berries or goji berries and tomato at times for added antioxidant and that has fiber also. Too much fiber in our gut encourages bad microbes to grow more and to be embedded in our stomach lining hence hard for absorption. Listen to your body. If you are ok with lots of fiber the leave the fiber. 
Organic produce is better- non GMO and free of pesticide. Think about whatever  you put in your body, is getting absorbed. Whenever you feel nauseated from keto fat eat a pickle, or sauerkraut, or peperchini,  because for me it seems so wrong to be eating all these fats but if you go low on carb, the body goes in starvation mode and needs to be fed...with what- healthy fats.     

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